Thursday, March 22, 2012

I don't like my son's future school

I went to visit the school my son is supposed to attend for preschool, and I don't think he will do well there. He is way too hands on. There is NO way that my son is going to just sit around in a stroller and be content all day. He had three fits while we were there visiting. I can't even see taking him there one day a week. The teacher had two helpers and there were eight kids there, all in chairs or standers. It seemed SO overwhelming for the teacher and the helpers.

There is no way I'd feel comfortable leaving Andy there. I already was feeling that I would want to stay with him for a while until I'd be comfortable that he'd be okay at school on his own. Now that I've seen it, I absolutely know I'd have to stay there with him.

There is another school that we can visit, but the teacher does not allow any of the parents to come into the classroom to be with their kids. Unless they were willing to allow me in there as some sort of classroom helper, I wouldn't leave him there either.

My husband and I each have a hard time caring for our son. Putting up with all of his fits of anger and frustration. He's inconsolable to his own mother. There is no way that a stranger who is overwhelmed having to care for other severely impaired children can do it. This all seems insane to even be considering.

I am not that desperate for a break that I am going to just leave him somewhere and hope for the best. I don't see it being productive at all for him, the staff are way too overwhelmed. He just is too helpless. No one puts a 6 month old in school. Why should I be thinking of putting him in there, when he is developmentally as a 6 month old.

If he should start crawling, and cognitively start developing, I could see maybe doing this. For now, the school isn't going to work with him like he needs. They are going to babysit him for a few hours. That's what it seems like to me.

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