Monday, November 20, 2017

Thanksgiving break ahead

Andy's been enjoying school, but Thanksgiving break is just ahead. He will have three days off of school, including the weekend, it's five days of no school. This is usually pretty tough for Andy. He gets pretty bored with staying home all day. We don't take him out, due to meltdowns in public, and where to change his diapers? We might take him up north for a couple of nights to break up the monotony of being home for several days with no school. I hope it helps.

It's been tough to study for exams, and care for the baby. My husband does most of the caring for Andy lately. I feed him and play with him too, but most of the heavy lifting has been done by my husband. He is also working hard on doing everything that needs to be done for the new handicapped-accessible house build. There are a lot of details that have to be figured out.

I'm also hoping we can be free of viruses this Thanksgiving. It seems someone is always sick during the holidays. We've been trying to take extra vitamin C, and I'm using fish oil to help my memory. I am also going to start giving Andy more kids health supplements as well. He puts everything in his mouth, so this makes him more susceptible to illnesses.

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