Andy had a few days last week at school where he wouldn't stop crying for over an hour. They called to have me come pick him up early. His second molars are coming in because he is over six years old. I give him Tylenol and put Orajel on his gums to numb them. This helps him to stop crying and feel better. The dentist confirmed that the teeth are breaking through the gums, and other teeth are about to erupt as seen on the X-rays. This will be a little rough patch for now. Sometimes he doesn't want to eat, so we wait until the Tylenol helps him to feel better.
I just became a registered nurse, and my ten-year-old son is infant-like, has frequent meltdowns, and cannot stand without support. He is missing a piece of DNA (chromosome 9q22.2) but we are unsure if it made him disabled. He has a diagnosis of severely multiply impaired, paucity of white brain matter, partial agenesis of the corpus callosum, microcephaly, deformities of the ankle and foot, and Autism.
Thanks for sharing! Happy new year!