We received Andy's pediatric wheelchair for school. It is super heavy. It has three different names on three different manuals that it came with: "Kimba", "Ottobock" and "Leckey". Slightly confusing. I am not currently using it for everyday errands. Again, it is way too heavy. I'm envisioning just using it for when he is in school. I don't think he will be riding the bus. We will live six houses away from the school. They said I can request that the bus pick him up, but I am going to see how it goes. We won't be living near the school for the first couple of months while the house is still being built. We will be living out of district, and he's been approved to attend this school while we build.
I have been doing small enjoyable things if Andy is taking a nap, or when he goes to bed at night. I've been scrapbooking, crocheting hats, making patch pillows, or trying my hand at sewing Barbie doll clothes for my daughter. She has fun being the designer, and I'm the seamstress. It helps take my mind off of other issues.
I just became a registered nurse, and my ten-year-old son is infant-like, has frequent meltdowns, and cannot stand without support. He is missing a piece of DNA (chromosome 9q22.2) but we are unsure if it made him disabled. He has a diagnosis of severely multiply impaired, paucity of white brain matter, partial agenesis of the corpus callosum, microcephaly, deformities of the ankle and foot, and Autism.