Thursday, July 20, 2017

Swallow study

Andy had a swallow study today, because he sometimes breathes in food (aspirates) and gets aspiration pneumonia. It required a prescription for a swallow study, a radiologist and a speech pathologist to be there. It was not an esophagram, that is a different study involving swallowing contrast. This study involved swallowing contrast, drinking water and a few different foods (cookies, crackers, fruit cup, pudding). X-rays were then taken of his throat/esophagus, after he ate or drank the foods. We found out that when Andy takes big gulps of water, the water is "penetrating" outside of his esophagus. We see Andy choke on water here and there, so this made sense. She said if it happens enough in one feeding, then it will lead to aspiration. We were told the other foods were ok, and didn't cause this. No dietary changes will need to be made, but we were told to pace his water drinking.

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