Monday, April 20, 2015

Trying to find SXI programming

I am trying to get what Andy is entitled to, which is a free and appropriate education. I recently discovered on Andy's IEP paperwork, that he is in a moderately impaired program, and not a severely-multiply impaired program. I thought he was in an SXI room, but then started talking to some county representatives and found out that he is not.

The schools don't want to be forthcoming with people. They want to give out the minimum possible, and you have to play detective to figure out what your kid is truly entitled to. I started wondering why Andy isn't being offered a full summer program. I spoke to a county parent advocate and also a social worker at a good school with an SXI program.

I found out that when kids are classified as SXI (severely multiply impaired), they are entitled to more than the standard 175 days a year of school. Some programs offer 205 or more days, which takes the kids through the summer, without more than a two week break.

Andy's school is not offering this. I put in writing to the special education director of my son's school, that I am concerned that his program isn't meeting his needs. We are meeting this week, because they have to respond to concerns in writing within a certain number of days. The school will either have to re-design his current program, or pay to bus him to an appropriate program in a "neighboring" school district in our county. I will know more in a few days.

We have already spent a few years under the false understanding that he was receiving SXI programming. They have gotten away with giving him the bare minimum for too long. It's time for a change.

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