Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Exercising is helping me be a better mom

It never fails, I was trying to get my new routine started of working out a couple times a week, and I picked up strep throat somewhere along the way. Which I then gave to Andy. It was a bit of a road bump.

I went to some exercise classes for a couple of weeks, and the results of feeling less stressed about Andy and family life were immediate. I really enjoyed exercising and taking time for myself. I seemed much better able to handle the stresses that Andy deals out. I was also happier towards him, more understanding, and sleeping better through the night.

I've also been working on trying to be more understanding with my daughter. A lot of times I am not very forgiving with the fact that she is only six, and doesn't have a lot of logic and comprehension of things. I find myself having a very short fuse with her every day.

My bowling league is coming to an end, which was a night out that I got each week. I should really substitute that night by doing something with my daughter, but I'm sure it will rarely happen. There are always so many things that come up, and it is just easier to stay home.

In more exciting news, Andy is occasionally attempting to put random syllables together! They sometimes sound like real words. He blurted out in the grocery store today after a lot of high-pitched squealing, "Haaaay, ebb-er-body" and then nothing else. It was exciting to think he is attempting to talk.

I am currently on the kick again of giving him the fish oil squeeze packs once a day. I think it is stirring up something in his brain. I am going to try to keep it going a bit longer this time, before giving up on it. It's so easy to throw in the towel with it and think, it isn't showing me any results, just forget it. But I think it has a cumulative effect and you really have to just keep up the faith and give it daily no matter what you are seeing come out of it.

Any other tips on how to get him to talk to us would be great!


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