Andy's Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) meeting was today. His preschool teacher spoke with
Andy's future kindergarten teacher during the meeting and gave tips on how to soothe Andy, and spoke of his likes and dislikes at school. I also informed them of Andy's new Autism diagnosis, and of how I am going to give Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy a try with him as well.
I also brought up concerns of possibly needing bus transportation next year for Andy, despite living very close to the school. Unfortunately, there are big physical challenges/obstacles to getting him to the school in his wheelchair. One of which used to be missing sidewalks! This issue was resolved, but ramps/approaches still need to be added to current school walkways as they are not handicapped accessible.
The weather has also been a huge issue this year, more so than ever. This winter has been a terrible one, and it makes me worry of how I am going to get Andy to school next year in his wheelchair without constantly getting stuck in the snow all the time. This prompted me to add a transportation statement into the IEP, which notes that "Transportation by bus with a lift and tie downs needs to be available at the request of the parents". The reason for this is because I don't expect to be needing to use a school bus for Andy unless we have bad weather conditions.
This winter 2013-2014, Michigan has had record breaking snowfall of 94.8 inches. This has surpassed the old record of 93.6 inches in the year 1880 to 1881! Which for me, meant that I had trouble getting my son to my daughter's school in his wheelchair at times. His wheelchair became stuck in the snow on several occasions, due to my subdivisions lack of clearing the common area sidewalks, and my daughter's school not doing their job of clearing snow away properly. It was very nerve racking and hair pulling to say the least. Luckily, I didn't have to bring him to the school very often, but next year I will have to daily.
The picture above shows me at the park with Andy just days before the final record breaking snowfall. We were at the park enjoying a lovely 70 degree day, and then several days later the temperatures plummeted down to 30 degrees and we got two inches of snow. I know the weather has been crazy everywhere, and I have come to expect the totally unexpected as normal for the past few years now.
I'm very excited for the upcoming school year, and I think Andy will be too. I think we are going to start seeing some wonderful changes in Andy. It will be so great to have him involved in highly beneficial programs that will help him flourish.
I just became a registered nurse, and my ten-year-old son is infant-like, has frequent meltdowns, and cannot stand without support. He is missing a piece of DNA (chromosome 9q22.2) but we are unsure if it made him disabled. He has a diagnosis of severely multiply impaired, paucity of white brain matter, partial agenesis of the corpus callosum, microcephaly, deformities of the ankle and foot, and Autism.
I'm so excited for you. Way to go Andy! =)